引きこもり文学大賞 本編部門26
作者:Mona (国籍 ドイツ) 翻訳者 山添博之 Hiroshi Yamazoe
I want to tell my story and I want that people know they are not alone.
Born in Germany, 36 years old woman. Hikikomori since 15 years.
I lost faith in humanity and people.
I feel safe alone in my room. Avoiding contact to human and human interaction.
It is the only place no one can hurt me.
Short vita, that you understand why I am feeling safe alone:
With three years old I lost my parents. Grew up in an orphanagae, stepparents took care of me, they abused
me physically and emotinally every day. Until I moved out with 18 years old.
I never felt what familiar or motherly love is. Or trust someone. I remember she press soap in my mouth or
lock me up in the cellar as a punishment for being not a „ good daughter“.
She made me in fear to say to me she will put me in orphanage again and saying I am a failed human. I
needed to do all the housework and took care of my stepsiblings even I was a child by my own.
My babysitter absued me regulary sexual as I was 5 years old.
My stepmother nearly beats me every day. My stephfather tried to sexually absued me. I was so scared, I
couldn ́t breathe. They never adopted me, because they got much money from the state to take „ care“ of me.
All I just wanted was being loved and being accepted. I felt different than all others my whole life until now.
Not accepted by no one.
This gave me an image how evil people can be.
Growing up, I developed social anxiety, during severe bullying in school every day. But I had no one to tell
or feel safe.
As a result of all that, I developed heavy eating didorder 15 years long with severe self hatred. I just wanted
to slowly rot away. And I nearly reached my goal.
But something wanted me to life. I didn ́t died.
Also developed depression and self harm, a way to feel something in my numb mind and even it is pain.
When the blood flows out the wounds, I felt relief from the inner pain.
I had some relationships with men in hope to overcome my trauma and get a happy own family I can love
and take care of. But these realtionships where also toxic and an abusive mess.
It made me feel I was just a sex object, but not a individual person who deserves to be loved. May I am a
social disabled thing.
In our society the work pressure and be functional, no matter how much the cost for the individiality is, is the
most important. I couldn ́t stand this pressure long.
So until today I avoid interacting with people and feel so insecure and that I can trust no one when
interacting with them.
I gave up to find a person I can trust and being loved.
I will die alone in my security of camelia room inner space. Maybe in the next life I am happy and socially
and individually accepted.
Note: in Germany many people suffer form social anxiety. But it is a taboo topic. The word Hikikomori is
not well knowned. But there is no real help. All they do is that doctors prescribe antidepressiva pills to
brighten up your emotion and being social stable.
At least let me change what I little have now into a voice. Thankyou for listening.
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