ペンネーム:Fukushima Genshiro
私は修道女が経営する保育園に押しつけられた。お金がかからないこともあり、彼女たちは私を年上の子供たちと一緒のグループに入れた。彼らは私がとても小さいこともあり、私を避けていた。 私は年老いた修道女とほとんどの時間を過ごした。その修道女は私の祖母によく似ていた。彼女の名前はラテン語で「幸せ」を意味する「ヒラリア」だった。私たちは一緒に昔のテレビ番組をたくさん見たが、私のお気に入りは「将軍」だ。島田洋子の着物姿の美しさが印象的だった。教会の絵に出てくる聖人かと思った。三船敏郎の侍の一人になったふりをしていたら、年老いた修道女に笑われた。それは私にとって最も幸せな思い出の一つであり、日本のあらゆるものへの愛の源だと思っている。
ひきこもりの多くは、親に失望したと言っていた。それは私の心を打ちのめし、多くのレベルで共感することができた。私の目には、彼らは繊細で純粋な心を持った人たちで、この世の残酷さから身を隠す必要があるように見えた。私は叫びたかった! もし私の赤ちゃんがそのような子になったら、私は地球上で最も誇りに思う母親になるだろう。心の優しい人が一番価値がある。人は多くの悪をもつと思うので、本当に心の優しい人は絶対的な宝物だ。
I remember the day my childhood ended. In 1996, my grandmother died. She was very sick, so she lived with us. She was a war hero who helped shelter the Jewish from the Nazis, and her pension was a huge part of our family’s income. My mother was looking after her mother in law and two kids full time. With Grandmother gone, she could finally go back to work. She didn’t have any experience, so she got an entry-level job at the post office.
My mother was a victim of her circumstance. She was orphaned at 16 and had younger siblings to support. I have no doubt she married for money. They met at work, she was 19 and he was 42 when they married[1991]. They rushed into having kids[1991,1993]. My Father was pretty well off during the soviet times, but the Polish Round Table Agreement [1989] brought the end to a planned economy, and the conglomerate where he worked got bankrupt soon after my birth[1994]. The tables turned and he went from being a wealthy bachelor to a struggling head of a family.
I was dumped at a daycare that was run by nuns. They put me in a group with older kids, because it was cheaper. They avoided me because I was much smaller, so I spent most of the time with an old nun, who reminded me of my grandmother a lot. Her name was „Hilaria” it means „happy” in Latin. We watched a lot of old tv shows together, my favorite was „Shogun”. Shimada Yoko’s beauty in her kimono was striking! I thought she was a saint from a painting in the church. I would pretend I’m one of Mifune Toshiro’s samurai, and the old nun would laugh at it. It’s one of my happiest memories and I think it’s the source of my love for all things Japanese.
I had chronic pneumonia, so I was in a hospital a lot. My mother couldn’t visit me because my grandmother was bed-ridden. The hospital was 40 km from home, in the city where my father worked. He visited me every day. I always thought of him as my primary caregiver. I think I grew apart with my mother as a defense mechanism- I lacked her affection, but I didn’t want to be abandoned, so I strained the relationship.
I know I stabbed her in the back. She crawled herself from poverty to upper-middle class. She worked two jobs while raising two kids and going to university. She always says „If my mother had been anything like me, I would have been the president”. Every time she calls, I’m shaking. I know I am a failure in her eyes. She thinks the worth of a person is determined by their productivity. The more money you have, the better you are.
All my life I’ve been escaping from reality. The things I missed in life, like romance or adventure, were easily accessible in the works of fiction. My mother paid a lot of money for my private school, but I would skip class to play games. The school stressed me, the classes were too hard. I’m more suited for liberal arts, but she insisted on pre-med. A doctor daughter was her dream and a final cherry on top of her social-climbing cake. I couldn’t handle that pressure. I wanted to end my life after university exams, but I needed to buy some time to plan it out, so I enrolled in university for a degree in chemistry.
They say Misaki (NHK) won’t come, but I have somebody like her in my life. During my sleepless nights, I look at the silent enigma that is my husband and I wonder why he chose me. He noticed me in class at that University. I owe him my life.
I never mention it online, but I am a mother. My son is 16 months old. Motherhood is passe nowadays, but I always wanted to be a mother. I got diagnosed with a condition that made other women infertile, so I’m extremely lucky to have him. The pregnancy was very easy, but I almost died giving birth. It gave me PTSD. I took a long time to recover. My baby was born with an infection. The doctors placed him in the neonatal intensive care unit. They suspected I suffered brain damage from the trauma, so I had to stay in the hospital for tests. I used to work at a clinic, so I knew all the doctors by name. I couldn’t remember who they were, I also stuttered a lot. After 5 days I improved a bit and the MRI showed my brain was fine, so they released me. My baby had to stay in the neonatal unit for 7 more days due to pneumonia, so I stayed by his side in the chair, day and night. I’ve never been so tired in my life.
If Hell is real, it’s in the neonatal unit. My baby was born late-term [42+2 weeks], weighing 4.2 kg and he was ten times the weight of the smallest baby there. It’s so unfair that some babies are born premature, they start the journey with a fight. As I held my wheezing baby, I watched parents next to the incubators, I listened to the machinery beeping. They were praying for every breath, they blessed every ounce of milk the baby drank. Seeing that was a soul-crushing experience. The psychological terror of that place still gives me nightmares.
I pray to all the gods there are I won’t get pregnant again. I don’t want to risk stepping my foot back there.
The day we were released was sunny, but the moment we walked home, the rain started pouring. I felt like the sky was crying happy tears for us. We got home visits from a nurse and she advised we stay home to avoid infections. I didn’t want to go back to the hospital. I was still very tired and had baby blues, so I laid in bed with my baby all day.
Now that I think about it, the trauma from the hospital made me a shut-in. I always kept to myself, so withdrawing from society was a natural reaction to being vulnerable. My husband is pretty introverted too, so he didn’t mind we were home all the time. I would leave the house to take the baby to the park, but I avoided other people. When the baby was three months old, my husband started to play pokemon go again and he would take the baby with him, so I didn’t even have to go to the park anymore.
I shopped for groceries, cosmetics, and clothes online. There was no need for me to leave the house. I would sometimes go for tea to my mother in law so that she wouldn’t complain. The more I avoided people, the more exhausting it was to socialize. I only talked to my husband and the baby. I got to the point where my stutter got worse, so I almost stopped speaking. I had a lot of things to say, but I couldn’t get it out.
I was watching a lot of virtual YouTubers as background noise. The medium spoke to me. I am a huge Hatsune Miku fan, ever since I’ve seen her on the news [2010]. I love the idea of virtual idols. It’s so futuristic! Mitchie M dropped his song „BLOOMING THE IDOL” around the time my husband asked me to go out with him,as silly as it sounds, it helped me build my self-esteem. My dream was to give such strength to people.
I started my channel and posted a few videos. My character was a neet that lived in the basement, so we’re pretty much the same person, but I never mention my nuclear family there. YouTube started suggesting me videos of other Hikikomori. Seeing people who struggled, but kept on fighting gave me courage.
Many hikikomori said they were a disappointment to their parents. It broke my heart, I could relate to it on so many levels. In my eyes, they were sensitive people with pure hearts, that needed to hide from the cruelty of this world. I wanted to scream! If my baby turned out to be that kind, I would be the proudest mother on Earth. A soft-hearted person is the most valuable in my eyes. I think there is so much evil in people, so a person who is truly kind is an absolute treasure.
My heart is filled with love for my baby, but it breaks for my mother. We robbed each other of this kind of relationship. I want to be the best mother for my baby, that’s why I want to get better. I don’t want to be depressed anymore. I want to take him to the park, I want to watch his school plays, be there for him. A freak mother that never leaves the house might be a reason for other kids to bully him, and I don’t want him to go through that.
I started taking anti-depressants and I signed up for therapy. I have a very skeptical nature and I don’t want to do this, but I know that the way to improvement is outside of my comfort zone.
If you’re a parent of a hikikomori, learn a lesson from this. Cherish your relationship with your child. I still look up to my mother, even though all she gives me is pain. Don’t tell them they aren’t enough, don’t call them a failure. People quit society because they have deep, dark fears. Don’t make it harder for them.
If you are hikikomori, please know that I am thinking of you every day and you matter to me. Even when you’re feeling hopeless, you’re not alone, because all hikikomori is in this together, and it makes us strong. You are loved. You are and always were good enough. You’re not wasting time, you’re still trying to find your path in life, and it’s ok to take your time. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. You deserve it.
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